I found this little clip of an angry dad while perusing the yes all women and the not one more tweets. This video really seems to just be showcasing his emotion instead of actually addressing any facts. But based on the gist of the other not one more tweets I'm thinking that the "something" that should have been done is tougher gun laws. My read may be wrong on this particular gentleman but there is no doubt that gun laws are up for discussion again with the latest shooting. And i have a problem with this response, not only because tougher gun laws won't actually stop these kids of things from happening but because of what it would further take away from the rest of us.
The problem i really have with this guy is that he seems to be blaming everyone but the person who is really responsible for the safety of his children. himself.
Your family's safety, well being, education, diet, etc isn't ANYONE else's responsibility, it is yours. We may entrust others to do so when we can't be physically present, and it is reasonable to expect that those we entrust do so with some level of competency. But in the end our families are our responsibility.
The essence of the 2nd amendment is that the individual has the right to protect himself and his family through the use of arms. Because the founding father's knew that the only way to preserve freedom was to be able to answer those that might take your freedom from you in like kind. You must have the ability to answer aggressive force with defensive force before the aggressor will take you seriously.
The 2nd amendment is specifically about keeping a state free from the federal gov't and the citizen protecting himself from an oppressive state government, but this is based on the belief that every person has the right to protect themselves from others that would threaten their basic rights. This is why gun rights shouldn't be curtailed. They exist so that the normal individual can defend his or her self and their family from those that would do them harm. They exist so we the people can defend ourselves from people like the sandy hook shooter and columbine kids etc.
Unfortunately the public opinion has shifted to thinking that gun laws enable bad people to do things to normal people. When really they were created to allow normal people do defend themselves from bad people. The problem is by and large normal people have abdicated their responsibility and privilege to defend themselves with equal force as those that would do them harm. We instead place our faith in congress, the public school system or the police to do the protecting for us. and when they fail we want to get all mad like this guy because they didn't' do what we were supposed to be doing in the first place.
By making gun laws more and more restrictive, we are giving away our ability to protect ourselves, not only from crazies but from the people we are putting our faith in to protect us like the government. Who frankly may not be deserving of that faith. Those the law was originally created to protect us from.
Part of what is probably making this guy mad is that somewhere deep down he knows it was him who should have "done something" instead of depending on everyone else to do for him. At least that is how i would feel.
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